School Day

Compulsory Opening Times

Extended School Opening Times

Opening Time – 8.45am

Closing Time – 3.15pm

These times comply with the DFE’s statutory requirement of 6.5 hours per day (32.5 hours per week).

Opening Time – 7.30am

Closing Time – 6.00pm

Total = 52 hours 30 minutes

Foundation & KS1

Morning Session 8.45 am – 12.00pm
Afternoon Session 1.00pm – 3.15pm



Morning Session 8.45 am – 12.10pm
Afternoon Session 1.00pm – 3.15pm


Please do not leave children on the playground before 8.35am, and please be there at 3.15pm to pick up children. If you are going to be late, please telephone the school so that we can tell the children.

There is a break of 15 minutes for all children from 10.45am to 11.00am in the morning and from 2.15pm to 2.30pm in the afternoon for children in foundation and KS1.